Companion piece to “Busy as a (Green) Nailer“
[GRANTOR: Newport Green; GRANTEE: Sabin Mann Esqr and Francis Hamant Yeoman, fifteen pounds, one shilling, 3 pence; Original transaction, August 26, 1788; emphasis added by editor]
Know all men by these present that I Newport Green of Medfield in the County of Suffolk in the Commonwealth of the Massachusetts Nailer in consideration of fifteen pounds one shilling and three pence [15/1/3] already paid by Sabin Mann Esqr and Francis Hamant Yeoman, both of Medfield aforesd the receipt where of I do hereby acknowledge, have given, granted, bargained, sold, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents do give, grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto them the said Sabin Mann and Frances Hamand and to their heirs and assigns forever, a messuage of land lying in Medfield aforesd containing by estimation one half acre of land be the same more or less with one half of a dwelling house thereon, and bounded as follows Southward on the Country road, Eastward on land left for a burial ground or yard and on land of the heirs of William Peters on all parts else, and as it is now staked out or fenced, and also a Nailers shop with the tools thereto belonging, standing on the abovesd land, turf and twig delivered and shop tools enumerated – vizt bellows, two hammers & one Stake ~ To have and to hold the above bargained promises, with all their privileges and appurtenances to them the said Sabin Mann and Francis Hamant and their heirs & assigns, to the sole use of them the said Sabin Mann & Francis Hamant and their heirs and assigns forever, and I the said Newport Green do for myself my heirs, executors and administrators covenant and engage to and with the said Sabin Mann & Francis Hamant and their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, that at the time of the delivery hereof I am lawfully sized in fee simple of the above bargained premises, and the same are free of all incumbrances, that I have good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same to them the said Sabin Mann & Francis Hamant and their heirs and assigns to have and to hold the same in manner and for the use aforesaid and that I and my heirs will warrant, secure and defend the above bargained premises to them the said Sabin Mann & Francis Hamant and their heirs and assigns forever, against the lawful claims of all persons ~ In witness where of we the said Newport Green and Fillis his wife do by these presents give up all my right and title of dower and power of third in the abovesd premises have hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty sixth day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight [August 26, 1788] ~ Newport Green his X mark & a seal ~ Fillis Green her X mark & a seal ~ signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Daniel Perry ~ Eleazr Wheelock ~ Suffolk ss August 26th 1788 then the above-named Newport Green personally acknowledged the foregoing instrument by him sealed to be his act & deed before me Daniel Perry Justice of the peace ~ Augt 30th 1788 Recd & accordingly entered & examined
? Nathl Greene Regtr
“Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986,” images, FamilySearch ( : 22 May 2014), Suffolk > Deeds 1. Transcription by Susan Elliott, November 13, 2023.